Friday, November 23, 2007

This is closer look at the tools of my trade :) ...sometimes I wonder how I find anything in here, but I know this is why I have all of it in one room, it is an abundance of materials waiting to be transformed, I love it!!

The painting on the table was done my my very talented friend Angie Ibarra, you can visit her site with more than 100 images of her art

These are some of my altered porcelain dolls waiting to be finished.
My son said it would be fun to make some Goth ornaments.

Beads and a necklace made with beads sent by my friend Connie on her Sacred Crow Treasure Box (a traveling project shared with other artists, please visit our blog)

Yarn to wrap my little dolls...
I LOVE YARN...If you have unusual and colorful yarn to trade,
please email me, I like to talk to you.

I can't never have enough wire! I like to combine wire with beads and make all my dolls earrings with these, other times I make charms and shields or wrap glass and crystals too. Wire has many uses if you have the time to play with it.

I was teaching myself to do needle felting ...well, I could not get the hang of it for the life of me, I guess I am a "show me person" and reading instructions is not my cup of tea... but the results are actually great, I wrapped and combined, with wet hands and then placed the wooden forms in the microwave...(I will welcome any ideas from you expert folks out there) I just have to do wings and fasten the cabs on my little ornies and they are ready for your Yule Tree!

The two precious little faces on the center dolls were made by my friend
Michelle, Look for The Art of Michelle Steele in the net to view some amazing works of art.

I have a couple of tin cookie boxes full of cabs, it is a vise of mine which pays off well because I have many faces in all sizes when I need them and most of them are already painted.

These are gathering in baskets ready for my Winter Show.


Jo Anne O. said...

Hi Gris! I am dropping by to say hi and to see what you do! I love your spirit dolls and really like the one you have in the treasure box!

Griselda said...

Hello Jo Anne, how sweet of you to say so...that little doll is taking care of so much, by the time she gets to its destination she will have all our energy and more.

I have visited your site kinda fast, you have no idea how busy I am, with 5 projects in the making, but so happy to participate in here. I will get my cup of latte and go back to your place if you don't mind, early morning tomorrow.
I am glad you are in our group, the Sacred Crow, or Cow as some of us see it...laughs.
Hugs. Gris

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