Monday, April 21, 2008

DREAM CATCHERS OF THE IMAGINATION Cocoon Altered Porcelain Art Dolls


Carla Trujillo said...

Your dream catchers are some awesome work! Love what you did!

Griselda said...

Thanks so much...some people see it as spooky...:)

Carla Trujillo said...

They remind of a cocoon. An emergence or rebirth!

Griselda said...

Yes...yes...thanks for another interpretation, I am glad you shared this with me. By the way, I loooove your art.


Wow, they look like they are emerging from a cacoon!
Oh, yeah, I see someone else thinks so too. hee hee

Griselda said...

I love to make cocoon dolls, in fact I am finishing a series that will be used as tree decorations, I will post them later.
thanks for your kind comments.

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