Sunday, October 26, 2008

Note: The PIF offer is closed, we have 4 people participating, please email me your snail addresses and remember to post the same PIF Exchange to your blog.

Today is my birthday, and because we went out to celebrate yesterday, I gave myself a day to play...I had coffee and answered the phone, talked to my mother, friends and to my kids as for the rest of the day, I did nothing but visiting other blogs, I discovered some magical blogs, and joined the Red Art Project too...

I fixed my pages, uploading new art and made a batch of polymer faces. I also worked on those items I will be giving away on my PIF exchange.

This is my favorite time of the year, my mother's is Spring, and I can see why, she likes new growth, I love the changes of color and the cooling off, the moon is so amazing, and somehow my spirit soars during this time of the year. I feel warm and friendly and ready to share and give things away...somehow I feel more generous and in the spirit of abundance, my creativity is in constant motion.

I grew up in Tulancingo Hidalgo, a small town South of Mexico City. When I was a very young I used to help my Nana Maria with her "Ofrenda Altar". At this time of the year, we would be shopping every day for sweets, fruit, chile/mole and flowers and colored tisue paper to make "papel picado praying flags" to decorate her table in honor of her dear departed, in celebration of the Dia de los Muertos, the day of all souls.
I don't make ofrendas but create my little Frida Kahlo's dolls and others like the Huesudas , Catrinas and Pelonas...all of them names for the one with skull mask.

I hope you enjoy these images I have made, which will be available at my Etsy store

Perhaps the memories come more vivid during my birthday, because it is so close to Dia de los muertos!

Last night I had a hard time sleeping, I wanted to get up and start my day. I feel very blessed today.


Cathie said...

Happy Birthday!!! May it be the start of your best year yet!!

Love to you!

Griselda said...

Thanks know I can use that kind of magic from your voice to God/Goddess/ALL THERE IS ears.

Heather Cutting-Rayl said...

Happy Birthday! It's also my favorite time of the year! May you live happy in the magic if the season!


Griselda said...

Thanks Heather, it is amazing how the two of you work together on those marvelous towers and the beautiful to do that kind of work with your husband. Mone helps me gather rocks...and brings me shells or crystals when he finds them (my son and him found a field of quarts while going on a quadrunning adventure) But he does not participate on what I do, mostly he still marvels at how people buy my dolls, he says...are they addicted? YESSSSSSS...THEY ARE!

Congratulations on those beautiful houses...I still remember mine as a kid.

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