Saturday, November 15, 2008

The afternoon was warm and peaceful, I harvested quite a bit of the white birch branches for my dolls and did some gardening too. I am looking forward to my next garden/forest spirit dolls.

Does anyone know how to prevent bugs from living inside wood, I used to seal the cut wood for several months until I knew it was clean. I welcome any ideas other than bug there anything natural I can use?


Sue said...

Hey, Gris... When I'm worried about "buggies" on something I plan to use, I put it on a baking sheet in a 200 degree oven for about 20 min, shut off the oven, and leave it for an hour or so. Would that work for these?

Griselda said... long as I don't start a fire...I think it is a good idea.
Thanks Sue.

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