Sunday, November 09, 2008

I just finished my tree ornies for the craft show,
I am so is not easy to make these guys.


Cathie said...

Oh! Some of them look like seashells! I love them!

One year I tried to hang real seashells on my tree, lol... they were PRETTY heavy. Didn't try that for long. *wink*


Griselda said...

Well...I am calling them moonbeam cocoons, I used to make these inside a shell, but like you said, they were very heavy. They are made with polymer clay so they are light.

Sue said...

I just LOVE these, Gris. They are so heart-touching.

Griselda said...

Thank you Sue...they seem to be well liked by my friends, I hope to sell them at the show.
Someone has asked me to make other ornies from house keys, since I am in Real Estate I have lots of those discarded keys from repo I go again...laughs*

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