Monday, December 29, 2008

It has taken me a few weeks to finish my little dolls, but they are ready to start the New Year by finding themselves a new home.


girlgonethreadwild said...

Happeee new year Gris! My friend, I am so vry Xcited to watch as 2009 greets you with its lovely face and helps EXPLODE your creations in the days, months.. to come!

Art on, me :)

Talking Horses Arts said...

Awesome! Love your blog...please keep showing and sharing, its sooooo inspiring!

Griselda said...

Hola chica...que bueno que me vienes a visitar!
I am delighted to see you here and hope you continue to create and spread joy in the world of quilting and dollmaking. I admire you so.
Sending to you an invitation to participate with me in another Ning if you needed one more.
Hugs and bright blessings.' Gris

Griselda said...

Hello Andrea, I just came back from visiting your do terrific and I am glad you are also sharing it with the world...I understand that part where you said, at times we want to create so much and there is no time...but then we can blog eh?

Have a wonderful year.

carol l mckenna said...

I love your Spirit Dolls ~ these are the types of dolls that I would like to make ~ thanking for sharing & glad my blog writings sparked some interest for you ~ do hope you will come again ~

Hugs and namaste,

Griselda said...

Thanks Carol, your blog inspires me and more...I have forgotten to balance my days, I create for future projects but don't seem to find the time to finish a little something every day, even if it is just a drawing, I will start tonight, just because Dr. Carol said so...:)
Namaste my friend, and thank you for the loving light you have sent my way.

girlgonethreadwild said...

please stop by, this might be something of interest to you (and we'd love to have you)!

soulbrush said...

oh my goodness, teri sent me over to your blog and i am entranced. your stuff is magical and marvellous. i will be back to look some more...and maybe buy one of these...oh wow!!!

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