Monday, August 24, 2009

Today, I am feeling blessed, and in the flow of creativity.
I am guided by Spirit, in all forms...Life is good.
I am in the perfect moment of now...walking the path of my destiny, day by day...and so it is, and so I LET IT BE!

It has taken quite a few weeks to come back to my dolls, I had so many things to do in between...that I almost feared that they would not "allow me in" the flow of creativity. I am glad it was not so, as soon as I sat at my table...the process began and I am glad it did, because it feels like I have balanced my time. These little creatures are such blessing to my days. Not only because I enjoy making them, it is wonderful to see that others enjoy them as well.
What prompted me to finish what I had started months ago...a wonderful lady found me at Etsy and purchased 6 dolls! Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound...Thank you Wendy!

Here are some of my newest spirit dolls, available at my Etsy Store


Camilla La Mer-Soul Art Dolls said...

I was so intrigued to find your site this morning! I make spirit dolls too. I had a series of six small dolls all come through at once a few months ago. All of my art pieces usually relate in some way to my Jungian therapeutic work or my dreams...these particular dolls are called my "Alchemical Warriors." It may be hard for you to see them because they are mixed into a wild sand tray project but I did experience a profound connection to the collective unconscious when I saw your dolls today! Thanks for sharing. Camilla

julie said...

Good morning Gris...
It was so nice to see you yesterday...wonderful surprise...I see the nicest people at TJ's...
I have an award for you if you would like to come by my blog and pick it up....hug, hug,

SweetErGallery said...

Your work is truly beautiful and some of the most remarkably spirit-centered pieces I've seen. You can feel the connection come through the pictures. Not everyone can achieve this as you have.

Griselda said...

Camilla, your words touch me deeply, there is so much wisdom and beauty on what you do, I feel humble. Most of my dolls never know where they come from and develop its own patterns as I go along, it is true that some tell me right away their meaning, but most of the time I have to let it be and trust that their name or intention will touch someone who will take them home. I love what you said about the collective makes us One...I know it.

Griselda said...

Hola my beautiful sister Julie, I just came home from surgery...and I am a bit tired, you will have to explain to me how to collect an award, someone else was gracious to do the same and I could not place it. It was wonderful seening you the other day.

Griselda said...

Mrs. Art Doll Maker, that is a great and to the point.
I want to thank you for your kind words and wish for you a magical day, full of creative joy.

Our Hands For Hope said...

Every time I see your work I am so taken by your dolls! there is so much life and personality in each one.

Griselda said...

Aww Sabbi, you are too kind!
Happy creative day to you.

julie said...

dear, dear Griz...I hope you're fully recovered and back to your good mojo spreading self.
I'll email intructions for adding the award...
big, big, healing hugs...

Griselda said...

Hello Julie, I am feeling better, but with the meds it is hard to concentrate, I feel restless, if not for the dolls, I would just want to sleep all day long.
I will get to the award soon enough, sorry I am so slow right now.

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