Saturday, September 26, 2009

I have been home for two weeks, no driving I decided to make some dolls to fill my need for creativity. These are my after surgery dolls, I would have imagined them to be somber...I guess I was wrong :)


Kathy said...

I love the new work! But more importantly, I hope you are feeling o.k.

Healing hugs...

Griselda said...

Hello Kathy, thanks for your kind comments and good wishes.
I am healing fast and feel almost "normal" normal goes with me.
I drove my son to school today and also went to the office for half a day.
Thanks for your concern and healing hugs. (((((((((((((back at ya...a hug))))))))))

Vivian Helena said...

Hi, Love your art work, all of it. Miss seeing you and hope we can get together soon..

carol l mckenna said...

Your dolls are marvelous as usual! And I hope you are healing well ~ Thanks for your creative inspirations and work!
Hugs and namaste,

Griselda said...

Hello Vivian...we are going to see each other soon...and hope it is not a windy day!
Thanks for your kind comments, I am looking forward to spending a bit of time with you...lets have a hot cup of Chai or chocolate!!

Griselda said...

Hello Carol, I am doing great and don't even remember the operation...unusual for me, because I was feeling like it would stay with me for a long time...the general feeling of having had something so unusual as surgery...but quite honestly, I am now glad it was done.
Hugs and Namaste to you my friend.

Aimeslee Winans said...

Hi, Griselda. Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting! I love your spirit dolls. I read you are healing post-op, so I hope you continue your progress. ~xoxo

Griselda said...

Aimeslee, new friend...:)
I am feeling much better, thanks for your kind words.

Junibears said...

I have just discovered you! What beautiful art! I love your Spirit Dolls. Hugs June xx

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