Monday, July 26, 2010

This little Spirit Doll, will have the honor of making the last journey with Taylor, the cat of a dear friend of mine. I was so moved when I learned about it just now, I had to share with those of you who are cat lovers and have posted here before.

I would never have imagined one of my dolls to be a last companion to a beloved pet. I am sitting here with tears of gratitude and wonderment, because these furry friends become so much part of our family, it is hard to watch them go, yet, they never leave our hearts. Such is life, a circle and a never ending story of love.

Please send your good wishes for those precious animals who lend their time, patience and support to our daily lives so that when their time come they might go gentle into the night, also for their parents/owners to have the courage to let them go.

Safe journey beloved Taylor


Timoteo said...

Beautiful post.

Griselda said...

It is good of you the way, I found yours while visiting Teri...I love your poetry and will come back to visit soon.

TheBlakkDuchess said...

I wanted to let you know that your dolls were the inspiration for the tiny spirit doll I made for my altar in memory of my kitty, Kyo, who went wandering other paths about two years ago. Spirit dolls are so wonderful & magical... it just seemed perfect. Thank you for the wonderful dolls you make, the inspiration you provide & love with which you create. Taylor has the best traveling companion & will travel safely & well.

Griselda said...

Thank you for sharing this, I will pass your message along to my girlfriend.

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

How very empowering to know this little spirit cat will become one with Taylor...the tiger and the tiger striped spirit doll.

Oh, and my 2 dolls arrived today and they are lovely, even more so than the photographs of them revealed.

My first spirit cat doll from you was small enough to hold in my hand. These two are larger and more details in their 'garb'...they will look awesome displayed together...I will send you a photo!

Griselda said...

Ohh Teri, that is so well said. It is all very moving to me.

My intention was to make a baby lion when I carved the face, then it kind of evolved because it ended up with the "garb" of a tiger.

I am glad you liked the dolls, people report so many things, often I don't realize that it is almost shocking for them to experience the doll in a 3 dementional form. I am making cat dolls again, this time with wings...I wonder why :) Hugs my friend. Gris

Dawn Hough Sebaugh said...

Griselda, you have always come to my rescue with your dolls and having one go on the journey with Taylor comforts me so much. I love you my dear friend. Taylor is now at peace.

Thank you all for your loving and compassionate comments for my Taylor. He will be on my mind and in my heart forever.


Griselda said...

Dear Dawn...I am the one who should say you have always come to my rescue...your generosity has no limits.
I feel so honored by your gesture, to take one of my dolls for the final journey of your beloved is amazing, that is all I can say.
I am here, all-ways.
Love and light to you.

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