Friday, August 20, 2010

Travel Companions and Worry Eaters

From time to time I design smallish spirit dolls, they are no larger than 6 inches, the smallest I've made was 3 inches, a "pocket goddess" or wearable pin.

I make these little creatures mostly when I travel, because they are easy to bring along and to keep my creativity muse happy.

Wrapped with soft wool and small bits of cloth they feel delicious to the touch and comforting too.

My intention is to create a tool that you can use to keep all worries away from your dreams allowing you to rest while you sleep :) We all know morning often brings new ideas for positive solutions. That is why I call my little dolls "Worry Eaters"

According to folklore "a worry doll" is thought to worry in the person's place, thereby permitting you to sleep peacefully. My wish for you is that in the morning you will wake up without any worries and that you can remember dreams full of meaning for positive solutions.

(All my dolls are charged with Reiki energy, Universal Love and light force)


PeggyR said...

She is very cute! I love your work.

Griselda said...

Thanks Peggy, I appreciate your kind comments. I hope your weekend is creative and serene. Gris

Victoria said...

What a wonderful and inspiring artist you are and such a creative soul..gorgeous work..all of it..lovely to meet a fellow artist.

thanks for the comment on my are wonderful!

Vivian Helena said...

Hi Gris... long time in chatting. Your site looks wonderful. Hope all going well with you.. I love your music and the feel of your blog. My little angel sits right next to my computer and she keeps me sane while working and trying to learn some of this.. getting a little better at it.
Want to do lunch some time, or come up for Sierra Art Trails in Oct, lots of artists will be at Julie's Studio.. Hugs, vivian

Griselda said...

Hello Vivian...give me a call, I love to see you if you are in town...also going to Julies is a great idea...I have to get myself out with other is good being here but...well you know, I kind of become a bit of a loner.
Email me will you>
gristello at
I am glad that lil gal is keeping you in check...hehhe...yesterday I found the skulls you gave me...I am going to start making my Dia de los Muertos dolls...scary eh...lmao.

Griselda said... have the most beautiful blogs...I could have just taken leave of my day and sit there enchanted in your world.
In some I could not comment...are these your paintings?
Very lovely indeed!
Anne Rice would enjoy those paintings :)

Thanks so much for your kind comments. Gris

Tidbits & Glitz said...

Beautiful idea! I love the look of your page:) Very beautiful and soothing!

Griselda said...

Thanks Brooke...I just sent you an email...let me know if you need any changes. Hugs. Gris

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