Monday, August 02, 2010


A couple of weeks ago, I got an invitation to list a few Spirit Dolls at a Link Party in a blog called Tools are for Women too, created by Rory, a man with a vision and a generous heart. The letter intrigued me enough to visit even tho I try to stay away from joining projects that will take me away from my studio table, besides that, I had considerations about linking to too many other blogs because people complain to me about getting lost on mine. Well, I am happy I did not let this stopped me, because I met Rory, who is one of the most creative and dynamic people I know and in the process I met Brooke from Tidbits & Glitz, a charming woman who designs simply lovely jewelry and she happens to sell it at Etsy too.

Aside from that, since my meeting Rory, I have been reaching out to more people from other blogs and I am considering teaching online which has been a dream of mine. I believe Rory's vision is contagious, he is quite a guy. I look forward to continue meeting other artists in the blogs...I believe we all have a bit of someone else's puzzle, that in order to get our own puzzle pieces together it is important and at times essential to be open to ask as well as to receive. I also know, that we are all linked by some magical thread invisible to the eye, and only by opening our hearts we make this connection tangible. I for one can only say, magical things have happened in the past couple of weeks which would not have occurred if I had not been willing to ask. Paying forward is a great way to open the flow for abundance and creativity to happen.


Maggie R said...

Hi Griselda,
So happy to hook up with you again..
I LOVE all your work, Your dolls really inspire me.
I still have some faces I ordered from you.
Thanks for your friendship at Fibre Arts Mixed Media.

Griselda said...

Hola Maggie, I am glad to see your beautiful face, and thanks for your kind comments, if you ever need cabs or wings, let me know, I am going to offer them for sale soon (the wings)
I see you here and there, but have been so busy I never take the time to stop by and say hello.
Be well my sweet friend.

Rory from Tools Are For Women Too! said...

Thank you.

Tidbits & Glitz said...

I am so happy that our paths crossed. You have such a beautiful spirit and you brighten my days! Thank you so much for mentioning me on your blog!

All my best to you,

Griselda said...

You are welcome, I am very happy to know you two.
Let's do lunch Brooke...!

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