Thursday, September 16, 2010

In memory of my dear friend Sheryl Smith who designed this necklace. We met during an art show, she loved my art dolls, specially those with skulls. She said, I love dark art, it is very healing because people tend to deny their shadow self and express it in negative ways, but art is an all healing tool to let the light in those dark places, it makes things balanced. I started making polymer skulls for her which she used as focal pieces and she traded for beads, which was the best deal I ever had, not only because I acquired some unique beads but I got to meet with her twice a year, what an amazing lady. She had an eye for the "strange and unusual" with a true bohemian soul, going to the bead stores with her was a kick...she had comments like Ohhh yeah, let me have some of that, these beads looks dangerous, just like dripping blood!...(my goodness, no wonder when I wear her beads people pay attention) she had me laughing all the time, Sheryl also had a soft,  mystical side, she introduced me to many books, our conversations were always enlightening.  I had the honor to be with her 3 days before she parted the veil, she held my hand and I just knew she was not of this world, making ready to join her friends in that  "big jazz party" she expected to attend, according to her kind of heaven...I was so moved when she said, I still don't know, but I trust it is all fun and good.

SHAMHAIN MOON (by Griselda)

In the Pagan tradition it is said that Mother Earth nods a sad farewell to the God, but He will once again be reborn of the Goddess and the cycle will continue. This is a great time to pause and reflect, a time to honor our ancestors in recognition to our own part in the eternal cycle of Life.


Yesterday out of the blue, I told my new friend Deb that an angel was looking after her, I was thinking of my friend Sheryl who passed away a few years ago.  I wanted to show Deb some of Shery's necklaces and images of those I had made right after Sheryl passed away, I knew I had posted them in my Live Journal, but I had not been there in a, I go back to the Journal and after half an hour I find the entry was dated...yes, you guessed, exactly 4 years the day on Mexican Independence day!

September 16, 2006

I think I might have got hooked into a new vice...making necklaces...but still the finishing part (to keep them strong) is a mess...I know I will have to redo them as soon as I take a class or two. The good news, I have plenty to work with...I did not realize how much I have in stock, now it is a matter of always, I find myself enchanted.

Today Sheryl will have her memorial service at the Neptune Society in Santa Clara Ca. I am here chatting with her until 3 in the morning...asking in the heck do I fasten this...laughs* I have done every mistake in the book, including letting go of one end of the wire and all the beads landed on the tile.




Thanks Sheryl my friend, I am still in love with this craft even if I have not managed to take any classes yet, I have over 60 necklaces and several bracelets, and a secondary vice of buying beads!!

Cheers to Sheryl Smith, Muse of  "radical subversive jewelery"


Sue said...

I so enjoyed this post and your tribute to your friend Sheryl, her talent and how she inspired you. Also enjoyed the connection with your last post.

Thank you so much for sharing Gris and also for showing your creations which are beautiful!


Griselda said...

Thanks Sue, I miss Sheryl, interesting thing, we were friends for only 3 years or so...and she is ever so present in my life. True testament that we don't have to be here a long time to leave our mark in other people's lives.

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