Saturday, September 11, 2010

A grand old lady of nearly 20 years...I could just kiss her sweet face

I will always remember you as the Cat Goddess Protector of  Shelley's house.

 My Lady Bast surely has prepared a fine garden for your delight.


Unknown said...

Griselda, what a sweet tribute to our Chynna. Thank you so much for putting this page together and for memorializing her in one of your Spirit dolls.

Griselda said...

I am glad you liked it Shelley your cat is very special to me (all your pets have been the same way) she won my heart and I feel like she let me do more with her than any other stranger...I am honored.
My outside cat had a horrible matted coat last week, he finally let me do to him what they did to Chynna, it took me two days and 3 hours, but it was worth it. I kept on thinking, she came out looking a tad strange, but all that mess was out of her little body.
I am going to miss her when I see you next. Hugs.

Sue said...

Your Bast Goddess piece is a beautiful tribute to Chynna. A truly lovely post.


Griselda said...

Thanks Sue, I fell in love with this cat only the last few months of her life, she was amazing. I believe she was 17 years old and walked like she was put together with wires, but passed the back yard back and forth constantly to the point of leaving a trail on the grass...she was like guarding her space. She would come indoors every night and she would let me hold her, being all bones she still felt warm and sweet in my arms.

Griselda said...

Correction, Chynna was 19 1/2 years old!!

Jaime Baiao said...

Awesome work!

Griselda said...

Gracias Jaime, por curiosidad, me dices como me encontraste?
Me gusta tu arte :)

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