Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Sue said...

These are all so wonderful! I just love the complex textures, the mix of colours and the simplicity of the design........and the serene, peaceful feeling that one gets when viewing them. Of this batch, the third one down is my favorite I think.

Griselda said...

Thanks Sue, you are always so kind

Tammie Lee said...

the details are all so wonderful~

Griselda said...

Thanks Tammie...I love to paint but don't get to my easy as often as I need to...sighs*

Faith said...

Oh my goodness, your dolls are beautiful! I'm going to go over to your Etsy shop now and get a good look at them. They speak to me. I also love your Rumi quote, so much beauty here your blog.

Griselda said...

Thanks Faith, walking in your blog is like moving slowly into a dream...I love your art.

Please take a look around, may be one of my little spirit dolls is already waiting to fly home to you.
:) Bright Blessings Gris

Katie said...

These dolls are wonderful! You have many great things on your blog. I'll stop by more!

Griselda said...

Thanks Katie, I also like your blog and plan to visit you often...have a great week. Gris

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