Saturday, October 30, 2010

I am presently working on a series of Spirit Dolls called Shaman Dreams honoring the Huicholes and their mystical art. The Huichol Indians are considered by many anthropologists to be an invaluable window to the past
The Huichol see their world as sacred and follow the teachings and visions of their Shamans considering themselves "Mirrors of the Gods" striving to convey this mystical world, both physically and spiritually into their artwork.
I think this is the perfect example of following your dream and creating art that heals.

and a letter from Susana Valdez founder and director of the center.
Please, watch this video you will be inspired.

During this difficult period of cultural transition, it is imperative that people throughout the world work together to facilitate the "caretakers" so they may sustain their traditional beliefs in healthy communities that support the Huichol way of life in the future. In doing so we not only insure the endurance of one of the world's most remarkable ancient cultures, but we also create opportunities for Huichol people to perpetuate their age old wisdom and provocative ecological archetypes to a global audience.
~Susana Valdez

A visit with the Huicholes


Dianne said...

They are lovely and spiritual... as always...

Griselda said...

Thanks Dianne, I will upload them to my store tonight.
By the way I am having a Halloween sale, please bring your friends to the Etsy Store if anyone buys something you get a special gift from me :)

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