Friday, October 08, 2010

Did you know, that this year we will have 10 - 10 - 10  for October 10, 2010 ?

Also, this is a rare year where we will have 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays !

If you are into symbols and meaning of things, I should say that number 5 is a favorite of mine as well as 11 (you might notice 11:11 often)
Here is what I read about number 5:
It is a number of Awakening for the Healers and Lightworkers of this world (same as 11:11) it means changes, harmony and balance, it is said to be the number of Divine Grace. 5 has been regarded as a symbol of universal power and was the symbol of perfection in the Mayan culture.


Sue said...

I don't follow numerology, but I do find it fascinating and enjoyed reading about the #5. Thank you!



Draffin Bears said...

I also like the number 5 and thanks for sharing this information.
I enjoy things like this.

Hope that you are having a great weekend

Griselda said...

Hello Carolyn, I like number 5 for personal reasons and when I think about it, it was one of the friendliest numbers when I was learning Math...laughs.

Silvia said...

What does it mean when you love the number 13? I love numerology. Very cool little entry. xo

Griselda said...

Hey Silvia, we missed you today at Latinas Fiesta in the Park, but I sent you a little "calavera" ask your mom.
Number 13 is another fav or mine.
I am sure there is a variety of meanings, but I tend to believe that people make it an unlucky number when in reality it is a mystical number.

From a numerological perspective... The meaning of number three is powerful, it deals with:

* Creation
* Completion
* Order
* Advancement
* Mystery

In number 13, One precedes the number three. This amplifies the number one, which deals with:

* Beginnings
* Initiation
* Solidarity
* Unity
* Birth

Singly, these individual number meanings put together tell a story of a path that is just beginning (number one), and will lead to greatness in the expression of the union of opposites (number three).

Adding and reducing the single numbers, is a common practice in numerology. Do this, we receive another symbolic meaning of the number thirteen. To wit: 1+3=4. Fours lend a grounding effect to the high-pitch energy of 13. The energy of number four brings the thirteen down to a level where we can begin to rationalize its meaning more clearly. The reduction to four is a message that at its core, the thirteen is a means to an end and this numeric energy will always return us to the calm root or source which is ultimately our cosmic home.

Which brings me to what is the meaning of number 4? all about it if you have time, this is a good page. I like her Tarot symbols

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