Friday, October 01, 2010

I am honored by a fellow artist from Etsy
who sent me this message:

Just thought I'd let you know that this magical artwork was featured on my blog today! Please stop by and take a peek and feel free to share the post as well!
Happy sales to you!

I was touched by Karen's gesture, because October is indeed a special month for me, and  I share an October birthday with her (mine is on the 26) and with all these famous October born people
I agree with her comments on Scorpio people who have a bit of a Mystical side and are Nature lovers. We are friendly, honest and more emotional than practical, as for rebelliousness...well...I will fight for my independence, family and friends they know I am constant and faithful to no end.

Karen's jewelery designs are glorious as well as her poetry, please take a bit of time to visit her blog, and her Etsy Store.

The Mystic Wynd

An awareness of peace and love rose anew,
As the spirit found truth and the Mystic Wynd blew…
It spoke with a voice the heart at once knew,
The wisdom of sages, resounding and true.

You will find what you seek when you look deep inside,
Your soul has the answers, inner wisdom its guide.
You are born of the earth and the wind and the tide,
Within you the dust of the stars does abide...

An excerpt from a poem by
MysticWynd AKA Karen

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