Sunday, October 24, 2010

My younger son is having a Halloween studio is perhaps too much for anyone to handle...scary by now so much so I decided to place a warning tape...Danger-Caution...I am tempted to leave it like that all year long.


Unknown said...

I love it! How wonderful. I like the tape very much.
Hugs, Seshat

Aine O'Brien said...

your dolls are absolutely amazing! I am sending the link to your store to my husband as a hint.

Diane said...

Oh my goodness--Love your work!! I found you through Dianne's blog (pieces of D) Thank you so much for sharing it!! I'll be looking forward to seeing more in the future!

Griselda said...

Lisa, your blogs are so enchanting, I am glad we met!!

Griselda said...

Thanks Aine, it is sweet of you to say, tell him I am also giving him a discount and to email me before he buys so I can change the price. :)

Griselda said...

Hello Diane, I did not know she had a blog, she did not know I had mine...laughs*
Thanks for your kind words, come back to visit. Gris

Griselda said...

PS @ Diane....I just came back from a fast fly over your blog....sooo lovely!! I will come back.

Griselda said...

I forgot to say thanks again Aine for the opportunity to create an entry for my family at Halloween...I am still wondering what to do, because the photos I have to share are mostly of my father's family...I will see what I can do, may be a are ever so inspiring.

Dianne said...

I love getting a glimpse into your studio!

Griselda said...

Through the blog, there are other images of my messy room...let me see if I can dig out others.

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