Wednesday, October 20, 2010

To see a world in a grain of sand and heaven in a wild flower...
hold infinity in the palms of your hand and eternity in an hour.
~William Blake


Anonymous said...

She is wonderful! Thanks for sharing her.. is she made of Polymer?
hugs, Darlene

Victoria said...

Wow...gorgeous work and powerful prose to match! Beautiful !

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Griselda,

Love your fabulous doll and the poem.
Hope that you are having a lovely week


Griselda said...

Ohh Carolyn, I had to delete the poem because it was messing up the alignment on the blog :(

Thanks for your kind comments on my work...I adore your little bears. (((hugs))) Gris

Griselda said...

Yes Darlene, most of my doll faces are polymer clay, there have been times when I play with paper clay but the texture does not feel right to me, I can get more detail with polymer.

Griselda said...

Thanks Victoria, it is unfortunate that the blog did not let me keep my last, for some reason it kept on reshaping the way I placed the column on the side, it sent it all the way to the bottom making the page impossible to read.

Sue said...

Your new creations are all so uniquely beautiful Griselda. Soooooooo serenely pretty.


Abi said...

Thank you for visiting, and leaving such a lovely comment. Your work is truly a work of art - the embelishments are wonderful.

Griselda said...

Thanks Sue...
I am still sending your daughter loving healing light.

Griselda said...

Thanks Abi...your little girls are fantastic, I hope to see some of your new work soon...after you settle down that is :)
The interesting part about making dolls (as you know it) is that they are good helpers to clean your mind when there is too much to house has not seen a duster in months, well, only where people can see right away, otherwise, I would not have any dolls to sell.
It is good meeting you, thanks for your kind words.

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