Saturday, December 11, 2010

Shut up and paint!!  

Have you ever felt like all the ideas and plans for creating something pile up in the corners of your mind? That not only you have neglected the outer world but your inner spaces have filled up with ideas and goals that have not been realized?

I have been literally pushing everything down and trying not to let it control my thinking, because there is so much out there I have neglected, starting with my paintings...and old projects galore. The worst part is when I say I am going to do something and don't...I let myself down, and now, others know it I am flaking out!

Life has been good to me, but I know I am playing small, perhaps being afraid to succeed not knowing where to start, with so many projects and ideas I cage myself in a bit of a comfort zone. I also know that if I am to "show up" to live my life from a point of view of excellence, I need to start where I am today, chose one thing with the intention to finish it and be gentle with myself.

My friend Susan (bless her heart) shared with me some wonderful material from a life planning workshop led by Daryl Wizelman which moved me to no end to dive deep into areas of my live I have neglected.
I've noticed now much more painful is not to do anything, that I am missing my "calling" because I know how much I want to paint and teach painting again.  I have a set of two paintings which has sat in my easel for almost 8 months...or more, and if not for my little dolls, I would not have created much this year.  So here I go!!

Painting or birches in process
We need more commitment and less complaining...!!

Last night, I discovered one of the most amazing woman, Margaret Fabrizio ...timeless, eccentric and creative who has given me the motivation to start painting and finishing what I said I was going to do...there is so much on my plate, from renewing my Real State license, to attending a 4 day workshop on the same, Christmas time is here and I have only finished decorating my tree...yada yada.

Margaret said this is the best advise she ever got from her art teacher...shut up and paint!! 
"...One needs to be in touch with oneself to be creative"  and balanced in every other areas of my life, (I might add)  because I know one thing, if I am not creative, I feel like I dry up inside.

Wishing for you inspiration and and healing light to your day. Griselda

I am just getting familiar with Daryl's work, but this is something I read in his website and I am passing it along.
"You cannot live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you."
College Basketball Coach, John Wooden

Your action for today is to make an anonymous donation or do something nice for someone without them finding out you did it.
You can subscribe and he will send you a quote a day


Sue said...

Griselda, I often feel the very same and I suspect that most creative people do. I'm looking forward to checking out your links later - the artists you quoted sound interesting, and inspirational.

Now...shut up and paint!


Griselda said...

You are so funny...:)

Cathy Spivey Mendola said...

Oh WOW! I feel as though I could've written this post.
I have SO many thoughts & ideas for projects but I don't allow myself to act on them because I let other areas of my life come first. Yet when I put those other things first, I get angry and depressed because I'm not working on my art! Right now, I've not allowed myself to go into my studio to work until I get all the holiday shopping & decorating & baking done. Which of course takes weeks!
I think I will take the advice-just paint! Maybe if we allow ourselves just a little time each day to be absorbed in our art then we'll be better in all other areas of our life!
Thanks for sharing these inspirational artists with us.
Have a great holiday!

Griselda said...

Hello Cathy...I am still not painting...but I have made lots of progress, because I am more organized and I know where things are...sooo wonderful to find new materials and brushes, I had no idea...laughs* is like going shopping without spending new money.
Be gentle with yourself...just get one thing at a moves fast.

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