Tuesday, December 07, 2010

"What would we humans be without a soul? Bound in a material life, deprived of dream journeys, of the beauty of hope, deprived of love and enthusiasm, we would become vague, rigid and cold objects, walking shadows trying to communicate by words whose vibrations are dead...

Thank you God, for having given us a soul. Through the soul, we have learned to know ourselves, to recognize the beauty of life, and to reach you!" ~Silvia Cinca

 I painted this scene called Forest Angel for the cover of a book
for the Romanian novelist  Silvia Cinca several years ago.
She also used one of my redwood paintings for an other one of her books.

You can review the collection of her books online, some of them in English, Silvia is not only a great writer but also a courageous woman and a beautiful friend.


Diane said...

Truly beautiful!!

Griselda said...

I have read two of her books, she has a very positive and spiritual way of looking at the world. If you want information about her books, here is her email address

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Griselda,

Your Artwork is beautiful and will look at the books.
Happy rest of the week


Griselda said...

Hello Carolyn,
Silvia saw this post and asked me to let you know her email has changed you might inquire about her books at this other address:

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