Monday, March 21, 2011

Create, create, create!!

Gypsy Moon and her sisters were adorned with some of the fibers sent to me by my new friend and fellow artist Monte from My Mix Mix Etsy Shop

Monte is a professional weaver, she has been a Navajo textile restorer, artwear designer, owner of a wearables boutique as well as a knitting and handspun teacher for many years.  You must visit her wonderful Etsy collection of hand spun yarns, and fabric bundles designed to help you create your new project. I am sure you will find yourself wondering what to buy because the choices are so many.

I am delighted to know Monte a beautiful soul sister, come to visit her blog where you will find many wonderful ideas.


carol l mckenna said...

Wonderfully creative and magical dolls ~ I love them ~ Just dropped in to say Good Morning and to wish you the best in the day ~ ArtMuse Dog ^_^

SweetErGallery said...

I never tire of your work and would love to see them all published in a book where I can have it laid out on my coffee table. They are absolutely incredible. Entralling.

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