Saturday, March 26, 2011

A dear friend sent me this wonderful site, All Things Sekhmet,  where I found the prayer to overcome challenges, it has inspired me to make the cat goddess.

Hail To Thee, Great Mother Goddess Sekhmet,
Prevailing One, Before Whom All Evil Trembles,
Please Hear my Ardent Prayer.

Help me overcome the new challenges I face.
Heal all the wounds, both given and received,
from any unresolved conflicts that still poison my life.

Stop me from acting out, blindly hurting others in my pain.
Help me stop blaming others for my own short-comings
and accept that I am the author of my own discontent.

Grant me the strength to alter my path of self-destruction.
Help me walk away from judgmental people and unsupportive situations.
Allow me to release old, limiting beliefs stunting my growth.

Bring me into accord with healthy attitudes and feelings of well-being.
Allow people into my life who model compassion, love and encouragement
to help me develop the inner strength to become a steadfast beacon to others.
by Lady Sekhmet


JulieT said...

I love all your fabulous creations! They inspire me so much I have named you as a recipient of the Inspiration Blogger Award please drop by my blog to pick it up Regards Julie

Griselda said...

Thanks Julie, it is an honor, but I confess that other times I have been given an award and I don't know how to apply it :( May be you can explain to me

JulieT said...

Thank you for the follow... All you have to do is ...right click the award photo on my it and then... post it on yours and choose 3 blogs that you love and inspire you.... You then post on your blog ..under the photo, with links to their blogs and inform them of your decision in a post on their blog. Let me know if you need anymore help
cheers Julie

Diane said...

Love the words and your magical cat goddess.

carol l mckenna said...

Your dolls are still so creative and mystical and magical ~ ^_^

Griselda said...

Thanks Diane and Carol I appreciate your kind words, it has been such a busy couple of months that I hardly come in here to plug in a few of the images and run out again.
Julie, be patient with me, it is not lack of gratitude, I am just way too busy to figure things out.
Bright Blessings my friends.

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