
Monday, January 20, 2014

Assemblage and Polymer Clay, Bohemian Art Doll
Metztli was the Aztec goddess of the Moon, the Queen of the Night and also protector of farmers. To the Otomi people, Metztli was the Old Mother, a dual representation of both Moon and Earth. 

She is adorned with flowers, corn husks, fibers and a talisman made with beads fastened with wire to a golden key, symbolic of Intuition and creativity. Her sweet face was handcrafted with polymer clay. Metztli carries a small moon beam in her arms symbolic of protection. She has a loop on her back for easy display on your wall.
Metztli, Aztec Moon Goddess
Wishing for you a Happy New Year with many blessings and much creativity.


  1. This doll is gorgeous and I have been enjoying looking at your previous posts!

    Gaby xo

  2. Thanks so much Gaby, I appreciate your kind words, I will come back to visit your blog soon. All my best.

  3. these are soooooo fabulous! very creative art work
