Wednesday, March 19, 2008

In ancient times Ostara was a sacred time of the year set aside to celebrate the balance of light and dark, a time to welcome the beginning of Spring (Vernal Equinox )

I was awaken in the middle of the night and went outside, the garden was showered with the most beautiful shimmering light, the moon is out in all her splendor and I felt blessed and energized...the first thing that came to my mind was my mother. Interesting connection you might say, often I feel disconnected from myself and I believe the moon is a great focal point for meditation about the opportunity to live and co-exist consciously with the hidden or darker sides of our being and also with lighter more open/creative areas.

We are all influenced by our mothers, men and women alike and "Loving our Mother" might be shown in many ways.
I hear from other women who have lost their mothers and they still carry a full conversation in their heads about those areas that need healing and balance. When it comes to the moon, I feel her strong pull on me so I made a prayer for my mom, that she might experience a balanced/harmonious day tomorrow, my gratitude and love.

Tonight, I am wishing for you the new life and rebirth of this time of the year in everything you do, may Ostara and Easter time be a celebration of balance for peace and new growth, ideas, creativity and joy.

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