Sunday, March 16, 2008

This morning I had the fortune to hear from a gifted and highly intuitive artist , her letter moved me very deeply because she describes in detail her dance with my Spirit Dolls. (I have her permission to share her letter but I am witholding her name and the name of the gallery)

She wrote:
Merry Meet Griselda,
I have intended to write to you
for some time, now.
I would like to share with you
my experience with an exhibit of your dolls
in the -------------- Gallery
When I first met your dolls
they were all gathered together
just inside the door ---------
At first, in this gang-like grouping,
they rather assaulted me.
I look back, amused, now.
Too much varied energy,
too many at once...
too many faces...
it was like being at a huge event
of too many people
and I was caught off guard
with no sage or amulets
to subtly shield mySelf.
As their own energy calmed though,
(perhaps they were collectively unsettled
from the process of shipping, and the handling
by those who didn't "feel" them for what they Are).
I stopped by frequently to visit with them.
They are beautiful, of course.
I do tarot and henna readings at the gallery, by the way.
(I also am a member/artist)
So, when I was having a lull in clients,
and the staff was otherwise engaged
I was finally compelled to take one down
and allow the two of us some time, together,
one on one.
I usually DONT touch artwork
unless it's mine,
or unless I have been invited.
But then, I did feel invited.
I held the doll in my two hands,
before me like an infant...
so I could look upon its length and details;
it's face, its trinkets and amulets.
I walked about the gallery with her...
again, as if she were an infant.
Occasionally, I shared her with others
who were near.
They were quick to look and leave us.
She was beautiful,
from within.
I knew nothing of you
prior to holding this piece,
but felt much of you as I did so.
Yes, I held another too,
and felt a certain sweetness from both,
but a seperate individuality as well.
There are only a few dolls left,
and I hope it will be
that I end up purchasing one,
but I don't know
(the initial contact doll
has long since left the gallery).
So, while the whole gang first freaked me out,
I came to fall in love with your channeled creations.
I just wanted you to know that.
Blessed Be,

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