Monday, October 20, 2008


Inspired by Dorothee and her post of October (last year) which I found "by chance" I decided to participate as well.

I will send a handmade gift to the first 3 people who leave a comment on my blog requesting to join this PIF exchange.

I am not quite sure what my gift will be, perhaps a kit with a polymer cab so you can start your own art doll... and you will receive it before the year is over, that is my promise to you.

The only thing you have to do in return is pay it forward by making the same promise on your blog, this will be like a seed of abundance of creativity that will bloom into many wonderful works of art.

Thanks Dorothee!!


Mags said...

Ooooh!!! I'm in! I love this gives me a little creative jump start to think what my handmade gift to another would be! Thanks for posting this! What a terrific Idea! You are so amazing Gris! I love you and miss you a lot!

Griselda said...

Is that you Maggie, how come I can't open your blog...send me an email...remember you need to post it to your blog. Hugs...

Mags said...

Oh yeah...I tried to post it yesterday, but ran outta time! But it's up, and I'll probably post it on my myspace to direct peeps over to my "new/old" blog. Here is a linkie for you!

Anonymous said...

What a fabulous idea!! I'd love to blog is:

Stefania Morgante said...

uops, I see it NOW, It's 8.00 pm here in Italy and I love this idea...Stef


I must be number 4. lol I will post one soon as I can at:

Griselda said... we have met this blog requirement plus one extra!
Congratulations and welcome, please send me your snail mail address to my gristello at so I can send your free gift.

Please remember to post your PIF to your blog, leaving instructions for those who want to join.

The people participating in this blog are MAGS, ODDFAE,GUTOFARDO,AND NEEDLEWINGS. If you just arrived and want to participate, check in with the people above, they will have set up their blog with the very same offer as mine and you can ask them to join in...and so on....I hope you have a lot of fun with this wonderful creative process which will bring to you and others the sense of abundant creativity...Namaste!!

Griselda said...

For those who are participating (still) on this PIF game...please send me your snail address.

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