Thursday, October 30, 2008

This is my humble interpretation of The Virgin Mary.

Holding to the traditional characteristics of the Virgin Mary and translating them to a Forest Goddess was easy, because to me the two are One with other icons of Divine Feminine and All of them hold the same energy of peace and protection. Making the connection with Our Lady of Bethlehem and Mother Nature/Our Lady Creatrix of the Universe, is no different from other images in the Buddhist tradition such as Tara or Kuan Yin, which represent the unconditional form of love, protection and compassion for all beings.

I had to create something softer and positive for this coming week.

She is adorned with beads, spiral shells, carved birds and soft yarn, supported with white birch twigs, her sweet face was handcrafted with polymer clay. She holds a small moon symbolic of protection. She has a loop on her back for easy display on your wall.


Lisa said...

They're just beautiful.

Griselda said...

Thanks for your kind comment and for the opportunity to visit your is very inspiring

Holly Jahangiri said...

So beautiful and intriguing! Each one clearly has its own personality.

Griselda said...

Thanks Holly, I am in the process of making another set because some of these are gone.
How did you find me?
I have not been very active on other's blogs until last month, now I can't get enough, I could visit for hours, so many creative people in the net!

I love what you did with your necklace, how does it show out into the black area...great effect.

Holly Jahangiri said...

I was bored, so I started clicking "Next Blog" in the top Blogger bar, after updating my own at ;)

Thanks - that little trick with the necklace involved using mask layers in Paint Shop Pro. I covered half with black, then erased the black just enough to show the necklace. I couldn't give you a proper tutorial on that - I'm too much of an amateur, myself. Just trial and error!

Griselda said...

I don't follow tutorials well, I am a "show me person" but I get how you did it, I love Photoshop!
Congratulations on your children's books...I still remember reading to my little ones long time ago. It is essential for them to develop their imagination.
Nice to meet you Holly, come back.

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