Saturday, November 22, 2008

Magic Happens!

"Good Medicine Totems"
by Julie Mitchell

I had a great art/craft show...the ornaments did not sell, but I traded with them for earrings and a coral/turquoise bracelet, I also sold 6 dolls...but something more wonderful was in the making; a lady walks up to my table and are the one I was looking at for an hour and a half last night at Etsy!
I said...I am?
She points at the end of the row where other artists are setting up and are my competition...because I also make Spirit Dolls!, I feel a bit guarded...but I did not want to ask too much, she wonders about the chances of meeting me the next day... she can't imagine the odds to find the artist who's work she had admired in the net only last night!

If you ask me, I think the odds are excellent, considering we attract the same kind of energy and create our own experience, right?

We talked for a bit, and then she left.
When I was not busy I went to take a look at
Julie's work...
Ohhh my goodness...she is amazing!

Everything she makes spells magic, her work flows with creativity and beauty...her dolls sing to my heart. Some are very large others small and delicate, with the grace of Winter moons and all of them ever so elegant.

Julie is a sweet lady, she feels like an old soul that touched mine with the sincere recognition of a sister who knows why we make this work. We talked about treasure hunting for found objects and the need to rescue discarded things and colorful fabric that will become an essential part of the doll...I was looking deep into the eyes of a sister, one who sees a world of possibilities in everything, like me!.....I felt like we could have sat there and talk for hours and hope that there is time in the near future to meet again to share ideas.

We went back and forth visiting each other and agreed that we had been guided by Spirit to meet for a higher purpose...she called me her soul sister and gave me a hug...but that was not all, I also met another artist who travels with her, Vivian Helena, she makes
enchanting works of art with gourds, quilted cards and comfort dolls. Meeting a second angel in the same day was pure magic to me.

I am feeling blessed in the recognition that once we make a move in the right direction, doors will open and we go in to find more inspiration, new people and wonderful art-ventures. I know one thing, I am no "competition" for Julie... I feel rather humble today.


julie said...

Dear Griselda,

Well, where to start…..I am so overwhelmed and humbled by what you have written here that I actually became light headed. I forwarded your blog to my daughters and one of them cried. Your words are so kind, I feel so privileged that my Spirit Figures touched you in such a heart-felt way….They are such a part of my heart, your recognition of that is inspiring and uplifting for me. I thank you.

I waited until I was home and in my studio before I opened the little bag you gave me…my, my what a wonderful figure you have gifted me with…she and her little bundle of joy are now on my personal alter along with other meaningful sacred symbols I’ve collected over the years. I thank you for her, and for the all of the little goodies you included for me to attach to my Spirit Figures and send out into the world.

Yes, magic does happen and that’s how I felt meeting you after my investigation of Etsy. You have no idea how much your figures called to me when I saw them. Each and everyone is a small package of positive, meaningful energy. Meeting you and being in close contact with your Spirit Dolls was the highlight of my day at the show. Yes, it was nice to sell…..but really, what makes shows memorable are personal connections we make with fellow creators and the people who come to view our offerings. Those connections keep me creating my Spirit Figures.

For those of you who haven’t seen Griselda’s work in person or met this lady you must do so if given the chance….Admiring her work online is one thing, but to meet her in person and to actually hold one of her dolls is an event in itself…She is generous in spirit and full of contagious positive energy and enthusiasm with a larger sprinkling of spirituality, and her figures carry that with them.

Yes, I did find a soul sister and we will have to carve out some time to spend together in the near future….I do believe Spirit has brought us together….It will be fun to see where our meeting leads.

Griselda said...

Hello Julie, how sweet of you to respond with such kindness. I dream of a space where women can gather to create for the whole weekend, do rituals, meditation, cooking and dancing...some drumming will be even better. I hope we can create something like this next year, a weekend perhaps in your mountain when it is warmer.
This Thanksgiving is going to be quiet for me because I got sick and would rather not share it with others...but I am actually looking forward to making it very special with a doll or two in the making, I think it will be fun. The family is going out to your neck of the woods :)
I hope yours is peaceful and hope you don't end up working too hard. I don't enjoy that part of this "turkey ritual" those who are left behind to clean the mess.

Again, thanks for your kind comments, so glad you liked what I left in the bag for you. ((((((((((hugs my friend, for you and for your daughters))))))))) Gris.

Holly Jahangiri said...

You are both talented and generous; I feel the magic in your posts and responses, and I feel a very different kind of energy in your artwork, Griselda, and in Julie's. This is the first time I've seen or even heard of "spirit dolls," but they are fascinating. Each one has its own personality, mood, energy - spirit. ;) No - not competition, but synergy.

Hmm. The word for word verification, here, was "grace."

Griselda said... sweet of you to say Holly, I agree in that this is synergy at work.
But watch out...once you are interested in art dolls, they will come back calling on make one and you will see what I mean, you will be enchanted. :)

I remember my very first spirit doll, her face was a large button, and her body made of corn husk, with a little wrap like a cocoon, a rag I am sure. I was only 6 years old.

I invite you to start a little doll, look around, you will need some tread, or yarn, an old colorful garment, perhaps an earring, small bundle of branches...see what the doll tells you, or wait for me to gather a few materials. I often post at etsy smallish cabs/faces and all the essentials for making one doll. I will let you know.

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