Monday, November 03, 2008

I have been having conversations with my friend Cath about finding a way to make lil fairy dolls with "illumination" or "clarity" spells woven in. I am in the process of creating one but would love for it to be quite different from what I have done, it seems to me no matter what I do, these little spirits want to be like each other...laughs*

When I finish what I have started I will post her right away.


Cathie said...

Oh I do love your dolls so... they are similar, but only because you have a well-developed sense of style, I think. Each doll certainly has her own distinct personality!

It seems to me that what you are expressing through them is a certain type of energy flow, and that leads to a similarity in styles... none of the dolls you posted are similar to our Isis, for example; she carries a very different energy. I think as you continue to work, this cycle of energy will come to a natural conclusion and then you will find yourself easily making dolls that embody a new energy and therefore a new style.

Maybe it's like an artist exploring colors, one at a time? Maybe this is the equivalent of your "Blue Period" or something like that? *grins*

Love you!!

Griselda said...

My blue period...!
That is wonderful Cath, thanks for all you've said.
I hope you are working on your little dolls, and taking more photos, you know, I wanted to see that space where you said they used to deliver the milk though a small door? It intrigues me. I love old homes and abandoned places, don't ask me why...they move me so.

Lisa said...

I am sure that whatever (or whomever) you come up with will be a perfect manifestation of spirit. I adore your dolls.

Cathie said...

I've been pulled away from the dolls momentarily, love (week-itarily? lol), but I will get back to them.

A pic of the milk delivery door... I'll see what I can do. *soft smile*


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