Saturday, March 28, 2009


Talking Horses Arts said...

Hello, my name is Andrea and I am a self taught artist (inspiring so much admire your work and am so grateful that you are sharing it with all of us who can just gaze at your work and hope to ever get close to something like you level.( bad sentence I know but trying to express in words what I feel looking at your work) Please keep posting you creations!

Griselda said...

Hello Andrea, I am sure you will get to where you want to any level...laughs*
We are all in this as a journey...enjoy every step of yours...I am here to help if you need it.
Have a great day

Cathy Spivey Mendola said...

YOur dolls are such and inspiration!
I just love them. I haven't made a doll in quite some time but after seeing yours I plan to make a few this week.
Thanks for sharing.

Kathy said...


Are these new dolls?? I like them very much - they are all very inspiring....thanks for sharing!


Griselda said...

Yes, they are new...of course they all end up looking like each other when you make a series. Thanks for your kind words.

Cathy Spivey Mendola said...

Hi Griselda,
I left a comment a few days ago and I'm BACK! I wanted to present you with a Kreativ Blogger Award.
If you're interested in receiving it,
just visit my blog and copy the award.
You have such a wonderful blog with fabulous artwork!

Griselda said...

Thanks so much Cathy, I will make sure to visit your site tonight.
You are kind to me.

Pat Winter Gatherings said...

Wonderfully amazing dolls! Thank you for your interest in the comfort doll project. We would love to have you join us any time :-).

Griselda said...

Thanks Pat...I have already started my little dolls, I am looking forward to sharing them with other ladies...I got the word..."courage" let's see what will show up.

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