Saturday, March 14, 2009


I got an invitation to attend a two women art show…..the artists reception was held at the Positive Living Center in Oakhurst California, where Vivian Helena Capone and Julie Mitchell have on display a collection of their works of art in the Mind Shop Bookstore.

Julie wrote:

"Last month I had one of my framed pieces…Moon Tribe VI into the Fresno Art Museums 60th year celebration!!!

I still can’t believe it…

I was also invited to join the California Fiber Artists…this is an invitation only group of the most amazing fiber artists who show at various galleries and museums in CA and other states..."

I had a great time
Julie's work as always, in enchanting ...
her spirit dolls so graceful and inviting!

Vivian Helena, had in exhibit a variety of amazing
quilts and other works of art from gourds, quilted cards (I came home with two of her dragonflies) she also had her healing comfort dolls.

The trip up the mountain was a Spring song to my heart, I also purchased a book I have been wanting to read again Autobiography of a Yogi... With engaging candor, eloquence, and wit, Paramahansa Yogananda narrates the inspiring chronicle of his life -- the experiences of his remarkable childhood, encounters with many saints and sages during his youthful search throughout India for an illumined teacher, ten years of training in the hermitage of a revered yoga master, and the thirty years that he lived and taught in America. He records as well his meetings with Mahatma Gandhi, Rabindranath Tagore, Luther Burbank, the Catholic stigmatist Therese Neumann, and other celebrated spiritual personalities of East and West.

Visiting Julie and Vivian are the best gift I have given to myself in months and I am looking forward to visiting with them again soon, to play dolls of of course :)


Chrisy said...

You work looks wonderful in this exhibition of talented artists...wish I could wriggle my nose and be over in that part of the world for a visit!

carol l mckenna said...

Looks like lots of fun ~ Need a group around here like you ~ New Englanders tend to be very "staid" ~ got to make 'em funkier ~ more fun ~ Glad you had a wonderful time!

Hugs and namaste,

Griselda said...

I agree with you times we need to get funkier...but let me tell you, up until now, I have been in kidding!
I live in a very small farming town and people don't take to my dolls too the mountains, I guess they are more relaxed...don't ask me what it is, may be it is just me.

Griselda said...

Wiggle away, I would love to have a group of doll makers around here. So far, I only know these two.

Melo said...

Gris, I love your "secret gardens" blog. Thanks for visiting mine!

Griselda said...

Thanks Ms Melo, I started that blog just I mainly place in there stuff I want to share with Veronica, and also with everyone who wants to read.

...and I admire your art and creative spirit to no end.

julie said...

Hi Griz,

People don't always get what I do either...When I first started showing in my teeny little gallery there were some folks who would walk in the 10x10 building and practically run out...I always thought it was because of the overwhelming feminine energy that they weren't used to..??
We do have a zillion artists up here, so maybe that's why we are more relaxed....we have more artists per capita then anywhere else in CA all hiding up here in the foothills. You my dear are in a very conservative area so I understand staying under cover...but you figures are all so wonderful and your paintings to die come on out into the sun and share...Ask me about the Yosemite Western Artist coming show...we'd have fun! hug, hug

Griselda said...

Hey Julie, I read the post in my email and answered in the wrong space...I hear you my friend.

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