Monday, December 07, 2009

Forest Sentinel
River Spirit

Red Raven Spirit


carol l mckenna said...

You are making better and better spirit dolls~ you are a realrole model ~ Hugs & namaste to you,
Carol ~ artmusedog

julie said...

Hi Griz...
Love your new Spirit Dolls...
I'm sure my daughter will be in touch with you soon...She was very touched by the healing doll you sent home with me on Haivens last day on this plane...
I hope you Christmas was wonderful...we will have to meet up soon..
hug, hug and love, julie

Steph Jordan said...

Your dolls are beautiful and mesmerizing. :-)
Happy New Year!
Steph / Diviacity

Griselda said...

Hello Carol, I am delighted to hear your words, because we are mirrors of each other...all-ways.
Happy New Year to you.

Griselda said...

Hello sweet Julie, it has been quite a year, lets see the next full of healing light and creative power.
I am sending your daughter and you all my best. Be gentle with yourself and let's get together soon.

Griselda said...

Hello Steph, I marvel at the creative genious that lives in are amazing!
Happy New year to you too, and may your days be full of inspiration.

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