Monday, January 11, 2010

The theme for my newest dolls are The Lady of the Lake, symbol of enchantment and magic. Vivien was the Lady of the Lake in the Arthurian Legends and stories. Sometimes called Nineve, Nimue, Niniane, etc., is best known as the woman who sealed Merlin in a cave.

And Isis, the Ancient Egyptian Goddess, symbolic of fertility, protection and compassion.
She was the patron protector of nature and family, friend of everyone...she listened as a good mother.


Marlynn said...

Thank you for taking a walk thru the Honeysuckles.... your art work is breath-takingly beautiful and I love it.


Griselda said...

Thanks Marlynn I appreciate your kind words and the inspiration you bring into my day with your beautiful work.
May your day be full of magical creativity.

carol l mckenna said...

Love your new dolls ~ your faces are so wonderful! I am busy with oil paintings lessons ~ will get back to my dolls soon ~ Hugs and namaste to you ~ Carol (artmusedog)

Tammie Lee said...

Your dolls are pure magic!

Kathy said...

Griselda, as always your work is so beautiful - but these new dolls are just stunning!

Janice Lynne Lundy said...

Your work is just stunning. How imaginative and gifted you are. May all your days be creative and blessed.

Deb said...

What a beautiful collection.

Griselda said...

Ohh my goodness... I did not realize I had so many comments!

I want to thank each and everyone of you for your kindness and support, I appreciate your visit and will take some time to travel back to your blogs. What a wonderful surprise this was!!

Bright Blessings to each and everyone of you...may your day be full of creativity and joy.

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