Sunday, January 24, 2010

Totems, Effigies, Fetishes and Numen Spirit Art Dolls

Long ago, people used to teach their children to make their dolls with corn husks and twigs wrapped with rags, the same way my Nana Maria did with me when I was a little girl, my dolls were intended to be my toys, but she would also make other kind of dolls and "Catrina" with sugar skulls, a kind of Spirit Dolls to give away for Dia de los Muertos which she placed in her altar to celebrate All Soul's Day.

wolf totem fetish by Griselda Tello
I love tribal art and have been doing research on old traditions from many parts of the world where small images were made and used as "power tools" often found in burial sites. I believe that the creative spirit that moves within each and everyone of us, shapes our lives with inspiration and brings forth images that come awake and alive in one form or another through art. It is amazing that some of these figurines, soulmaking dolls have lasted this long as silent sentinels in time.

During the Paleolithic period people would make portable figurines or decorative objects which were carved from bone, stone or antler. In the old traditions these little totem-fetishes were molded mostly with clay, stone, coral, jade and other semiprecious stones, a few have been found made of metal. These were small figurines of animals and human forms, little goddesses, detailed female shapes. They often served as symbols of protection in some form of ritualistic or magical purposes. They all seemed to be helpers to the main concerns of ancient peoples for food (hunting and harvest) or fertility, and to gain some kind of control over their environment, or in the case of Egypt and Peru they placed small dolls in graves. It is not certain whether they served as company to the deceased or if they represented offerings to the dead or their gods.

In ancient religions, the numen or manitou was a protector spirit or force which was anonymous. Although it was not known as a person, its power and presence was felt, usually, it was regarded as being attached to some place or object, like a tree, or a large rock.

I don't pretend to know much about ancient traditions, but they resonate with me and I allow spirit to guide me, making dolls makes me feel good, as simple as that... and when
people ask me why do I make art answer is always the same...because they keep me sane and fill my soul with gratitude and peace!

I am sure my dolls serve mainly as decoration to some of my buyers and collectors, but for others they are symbolic of magic and good will...quite simply, they are great helpers, little messangers of healing an image of an angel by your front door or besides your bed.

I like to believe each one of my little dolls finds its own way to your hands charged with good energy and full of creativity, they may serve as a focal point for meditation, a mandala or a feng shui remedy, my intention is to share with others a little miracle which is still working its magic on me.
My latest collector wrote, "I love my little dolls and they have found a special place in my home...I almost feel they should have an other name other than dolls"

What would I call these entities then?
To me, they are Totems, *Effigies, Fetishes, Numen Spirits or Fantasy Art Dolls, they are my interpretation of Manitou, they are Nature Spirits, that is what I call my little dolls a little mystery that keeps on giving me joy.

An effigy is a representation of a person, especially in the form of sculpture or some other three-dimensional form.


julie said...

The word doll can be troublesome when it comes to describing what we do...I have a friend who never came into my little gallery until after she met me...the word 'doll' in my sign held no interest for her, but Spirit Figures does.
Come by my blog and sign up for my one world give away...if you win I'll deliver..hug, hug

Griselda said...

I see what you mean, I have used "figures" and "soft esculpture" before as well as "figurines" may be I can combine all of those...laughs*
I will come to visit, but don't come around right now because I will make you vacum...heh heh!
(I have a new set of dolls, but the Christmas tree still is true!)

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