Sunday, February 28, 2010

One of my clients, collector and friend, has sent me a huge box with marvelous items from her own personal stash, because she makes gorgeous little dolls herself

I feel so fortunate !

It makes me feel humble to think that someone spent all that time packing these items and the shipping was costly too. Above all, I felt so moved and thankful, I had to share it with you. I have already used some of these beautiful fabrics and yarn on my newest dolls.


TheBlakkDuchess said...

WOW. You are loved! ^-^ Hurrah for wonderful friends who send goody boxes!!! Have fun with all your new stuff! I can't wait to see the dolls all the bits & pieces become!!! :D

Griselda said...

Yes...I feel loved, interesting how it goes when we connect our hearts and creativity with others. My co-workers (I am also in Real Estate) bring me stuff they don't need, keys, bits of this and that, one day someone got me an old shovel and I gave it to my good friend Jim Woessner, he is an amazing artist in Marin Co. he reported that the sculpture he made supported by my gift sold for 800.00 !! btw...I have used some of her items on the dolls pictured in my last post.

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