Thursday, March 11, 2010

View Article on Protection, Bast Goddess

Here is my newest series of Cat Spirit Dolls, most of them will be posted soon at my Etsy shop.

The reason behind Power Animal Spirit dolls or Fetish art dolls is based in many traditions, mostly from the Egyptian and Native American, where animals were seen as sacred spirits, guides and protectors. My little dolls are simply WORKS OF ART, I do not make any statements as to their "powers" other than, they are made with love and clear intention to bring peace, inspiration and a sense of protection to everyone's home, the same kind of system used in Feng Shui.

Thank you all for kind comments and if you have any questions, please feel free to email me at gristello at from time to time I get requests to make a doll with the face of a furry friend.


TheBlakkDuchess said...

I love your cat spirit dolls the best of all. ^_^ They make me all kinds of happy! Perhaps I'll pop by your shop & take a peek! Happy crafting! ^___^

TheBlakkDuchess said...

Just popped by the shop... I didn't realize your dolls were so BIG! : D

And here I thought they were just wee things... Their size makes them even more amazing!


julie said...

These are wonderful Griz...hug, hug

Tammie Lee said...

Each cat is fabulously wonderful and full of spirit!

Griselda said...

AWW wee things! that is cute...I have dolls from 4 to 17 inches...!
The cats are about 8 average.
Did you see the post about my client who ordered a cat doll as protector for her own got good review, because her site is so popular...let me see if I can get it for you.
Thanks for your comments...hugs.

Griselda said...

Thanks Julie...I did not finish the rest, I have to work on baby shower treats for my daughters party...I am making book markers with a little face.

Griselda said...

Thanks Tammie, let me tell you how much I admire your photos...they take my breath away, literally!!!

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Of course, I love seeing the new cats! I think the last one is my favorite. Did I ever email you a photo of the one I have from you (where I hung in on the wall with my other masks)? If not, let me know and I will!

Griselda said...

No Terri you did not...I would love to see it.
I am going to be posting images in here of those collections, (if they make them available to me) as they become part of your home, to me, they take another form, they are now at home, they are part of your environment and I am always glad to see how they are displayed.
Thanks for your kind comments.

Sue said...

Love these animal spirit dolls! Fabulous!


Griselda said...

Thanks Sue, I am working on a Turtle Spirit and a commission for a Lady Dragon

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

I just found the photo I took, not as close up as I would like, and i have also added a painting by Soulbrush, a blogger in London I follow. I will have to take another, but I emailed the photo to cat spirit doll may be small but her presence is felt and I know she is there...

Griselda said...

Terry, I lost the pic, can you please send it again?

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