Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Quite often, people ask me, how do I display your dolls?

My friend Stacey, who has been collecting Spirit dolls and other works of art allowed me to share part of her private collection with you on display at her displayed at her lovely home.


TheBlakkDuchess said...

Wow! Your friend has a wonderful collection! I love how she's incorporated them into her everyday life by putting them around her house. Thanks for the pictures & display ideas! ^-^

Griselda said...

She has many more in storage she said... :)

Magda said...

Very interesting and original dolls, they have something mistic what I like very much!:)

Griselda said...

Gracias Magda...I appreciate your kind words and have taken a walk thought your blog, it is lovely!!

Vivian Helena said...

Hi, Love the way your blog is looking. Been so busy, as I am sure you have, that I miss chatting with you. Great way to display your spirit figures, wonderful idea and thanks for sharing it. hugs, vivian

Griselda said...

Vivian my friend, I hardly have time to do my art, you know Veronica will be giving birth in a few weeks so that has me so busy. I am always glad to hear from you...thanks for your kind comment, people who make backgrounds make my site pretty, I am thankful for that.

Lisa said...

I really love the way she has these displayed. It's funny, we just moved and we have exposed pipes. I was just telling hubby yesterday that the pipes make great frames and it looks like she thought the same thing.

What a wonderful collection of your beautiful dolls.

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