Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Good morning everyone, I have been away but I was able to read your comments in my Etsy Store, Rory's Blog and also those sent to me directly. I have been working on making wings which is a long process because it takes quite a bit of wire work paint and patience.

I appreciate to no end your kind words.

They encourage me to create even further than my imagination can reach. There are times when I get a tad discouraged and wonder what am I doing making dolls when I should be painting, which is my original love, but the more I make my little dolls, the more I understand that life is about creativity, one thing does not conflict with the other and if there is a balance, my spirit truly finds a way to soar.

These are the first wire and cloth wings I made, the dolls are no longer available. (I used wooden clothes pins to support the body of the doll and shaped the wings with wire and cheese cloth, it takes several coats of acrylic to make them strong)

Be creative, no matter what life hands you...creativity is a sure way out of any obsessive mind...it gets you into a heart space where you will hear the voices of angels whispering healing thoughts.

Bright Blessings everyone.


TheBlakkDuchess said...

I love the wings! What a good idea for materials for them! ^-^

Griselda said...

Thanks...It is not easy, it is a process, but the results are amazing. You need to stiffen the cloth first, acrylic primer is a good idea, then a base color. I had to buy two bottles about $20.00 for making "rust" but they turned out too opaque, so I went with copper and gold at the end.
Next time I have to simplify, it was 4 days of wing making!!

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