Monday, August 02, 2010

Soon I will be teaching an online class
DecoArt products
please leavea message if you are interested in learning how to make these wings.


I have spent days trying to figure out the best way to create wings that will give my forest creatures a sense of timeless beauty.

Then, yesterday I received a letter from an artist, a doll maker who happens to own a painting I did many years ago of the redwoods, (this is another story which I will tell with her permission later on) she made a comment about my dolls... she said, their faces are so expressive! They seem so hold so much of the beauty of a world that is always changing and growing, I can see decay and life in them all at once! Just like the woods scene I have which you painted, actually.

What an amazing thing to observe, because I feel this way, I need my little dolls to convey the passing of time and the patina of decay is not always easy to create with new materials. That is why I have been playing with all kinds of techniques to make my wings old looking, other than burring them in the backyard, this will have to do for now ...laughs*


Cathy said...

Thanks for stopping by Turkey Creek Lavender. Your spirit dolls are really lovely! I look forward to reading more about these special creations.

Griselda said...

Thanks for your kind comment, I will do the same...your blog is delightful.
So many wonderful things in there. I have put your information out to my friends in FaceBook.

My very best to you.

ticc said...

The winged dolls are so beautiful. Gosh, all your dolls are very beautiful. I love looking at them, and enjoy seeing the new ones as more are created. Have a wonderful day!!!!

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Amazing mass of wings to be...I will send you a photo of my collection of your dolls, they look right together!

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