Friday, September 17, 2010

 "Come a little bit closer
Hear what I have to say
Just like children sleepin'
We could dream this night away.

But there's a full moon risin'
Let's go dancin' in the light
We know where the music's playin'
Let's go out and feel the night.

Because I'm still in love with you
I want to see you dance again
Because I'm still in love with you
On this harvest moon....:

Harvest Moon
By: Neil Young


MoMeMa said...

Hi Griselda,
Thanks for following me and love your inspiring dolls and artwork. She's beautiful! Hope to see you soon at "Inspire Others" and don't forget to Link Up at LOVE THAT BLOG so we all can admire your fabulous artworks.
Stay well,

Griselda said...

Thanks for your kind words...I am not sure I know where to find a link to Love that blog...hmmmm

Maminka Girl - Loribeth Robare said...

Wonderful texture on your dolls...thanks so much for visiting my blog and for your kind comments.


Griselda said...

Coming from you is quite an honor, your dolls are amazing!!!!

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