Wednesday, September 08, 2010


~The spirit power of a fetish is given to it by its owner, the spirit doll has no power in and of itself, these are works of art~

The Navajo Indians used dragonfly medicine or totems in their textiles and jewelery designs, dragonfly was symbolic of water purity whirlwind, swiftness and activity.

Fetishes have been made for personal use for centuries in many primitive cultures and traditions.

The daily life of the Zunis was filled with rituals. A Zuni fetish, is a carved object of an animal. The Zuni believed that all life, plant and animal was interconnected, and they lived in harmony with the ebb and flow of seasons and the rhythms of the earth, which are nurtured by the The Great Spirit.

 Dragonfly Medicine is pure alchemy that connects us with the power of color and the ability to tap into our creative spirit to achieve anything we want to experience in life.


Dragonfly medicine is of the dreamtime and the illusionary facade we accept as physical reality. The iridescence of Dragonfly's wings reminds us of colors not found in our everyday experience. Dragonfly's shifting of color, energy, form, and movement explodes into the mind of the observer, bringing vague memories of a time or place where magic reigned. 
From the book:
Medicine Cards - The Discovery of Power Through the Ways of Animals
by Jamie Sams & David Carson

Wow...this is so cool!!


TheBlakkDuchess said...

I love your dragonfly wings. ^-^

As always, I look forward to your posts & the pictures they contain. Hope all is well with you & that you've been having a good week! ^-^


Griselda said...

You are sweet...I love making wings!

TheBlakkDuchess said...

How do I send these people love & light... A very good question. I wondered on this for a bit... while I was wondering, I envisioned myself hugging them. Each of them. I saw us enveloped in warm light. In love. In happiness. In understanding.

And then I did something I haven't done in years. I prayed to the Christian god. Just becuase he is not *my* god, doesn't mean he doesn't exist. But this is another conversation entirely... ^-^

I prayed to him for this group of his followers, who seem to have lost their way a bit.

I don't know if he heard my petition, or if he will listen, as I no longer count myself amoung his children, but I would like to think that he did and that it helped.

I know that their fear & anger cannot be overcome over night. But I can hope... and hope & love will be what stops the tides of hate, anger & fear in their tracks.

Hugs & love! I can't wait to see more dolls. ^-^


Griselda said...

I love your reply, and was intrigued by your comment "I prayed to the Christian god. Just because he is not *my* god, doesn't mean he doesn't exist."
That is so true, we all have our stories, myths and traditions, and from my point of view, your answer would solve a lot of problems. I wish I could reprint it in my other blog or my facebook.

Griselda said... is the same to me when I am having a conflict with someone, a friend, relative or even a stranger. If I calm myself down, I manage to visualize the other person's higher self, and I talk openly with my that One, who I believe is the same as my own :) does it make any sense?
You might wonder if I always get good results...I think I do, but results don't always look like we think they should. What it does to me is wonderful, because it moves me out of being in a position of conflict. Who knows may be the other person is doing the same.
Thanks for reminding me of more peaceful ways, you can count on me ...I am there for the love and light hugs.
May the Spirit of peace abide in you.

PeggyR said...

Totally awesome! I loved you showing how they are made.

Sue said...

Wow...great post! I have a passion for dragonflies and have always felt they are very powerful. Loved the info you posted about them re our Native American ancestors.

Enjoyed seeing the WIP pics too. Wonderful wings.

Wishing you an amazing weekend.


Griselda said...

I just saw a dragonfly...looovely blue and green
Thanks for your kind comments

TheBlakkDuchess said...

If you want to copy & paste my reply to you & post it elsewhere, feel free to do so. ^-^ I'm glad I didn't stumble over my words too much... sometimes I have a hard time getting what I'm trying to say into words... lol... ^-^

And yes, you make perfect sense to me! =D


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