Friday, September 03, 2010


I believe the key to creativity is daydreaming, an active  meditation.  It is said that the brain makes free associations and artistic connections while it engages in abstract thinking instead of focusing on a task. 

Neuro-writer Jonah Leherer wrote about Christoff’s work in Daydreams“If your mind didn’t wander, then you’d be largely shackled to whatever you are doing right now... But instead you can engage in mental time travel and other kinds of simulation. During a daydream, your thoughts are really unbounded.” [From the Boston Globe - Daydream Achiever by Jonah Lehrer.]

There are times when I wonder if my creations start to look all the same, then a inner voice comes to my rescue... who cares if they all look the same when basically these dolls are for me a means of relaxation and for my buyers a message if serenity and peace. It would be like saying that all meditation feels or looks the same, for goodness sakes, that is the point, if it works and it feels good, why fix it!
I have been sharing these little creatures to people who find my site or my Etsy store, and do me the honor to adopt them taking them home. If they are working their magic, who cares if they sing the same song?
From time to time, someone has a request or gives me an idea for a doll with a bit of  a twist and I feel it, that makes me smile, and that should be enough.

Wishing for you a very creative day.


tanders said...

glad to see you are still making dolls, love her!

Griselda said...

Hello Tricia, is that a new blog?
or a very old blog that needs to be worked on...I am your only follower!
Since I have you here, let me say, that you are my greatest muse of are the cat's miauuuuu in the realm of creative are da muse of muses...I think you would think I kinda like you. :)

Have a delicious day my friend.

Sue said...

Beautiful!! You have been busy - that daydreaming has certainly brought forth a lot of lovely creations!

Have a safe and happy weekend!


Griselda said...

Hello Sue, it only looks like I am busy, someone said to me, "when you have nothing to post to your blog, refresh it by moving to the front some of your older posts, you are still sharing your work and new vieweres seldom go far back into the blogs" so...most of what you see that has no wings are old posts and most of the dolls are already gone.

Lisa Lectura Creations said...

Hi Griselda! Your art dolls are magical. I like the positive outlook you have on life and your creations. It really shows in your art. Very lovely! Thanks so much for your sweet visit! Have a great week! :)

Griselda said...

Thanks Lisa, I appreciate your kind words, and I want to congratulate you on a beautiful blog, your art is amazing!

ticc said...

So many new dolls since the last time I made it by. They are all so beautiful. Hope all is well, and have a wonderful day!!!!

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