Tuesday, September 28, 2010

They were inspired by the technique used by Patricia Anders, I have seldom met anyone with more imagination, if you want to be enchanted, check out her site, she has magnificent works of art 
using porcelain dolls altered with gesso and acrylics.

Using porcelain dolls altered with gesso and acrylics. I have listed a few in my Etsy store.

Jane Zweibel said about her art "These pieces are paradoxical, in that they both invite and repel touch...My hybrid personas embody the conflicts, losses and connections between childhood and adult lives."

That is exactly how I feel about Altered Art Dolls, they have sense of mystery and the memories of childhood come alive.


nancy said...

these are fantastic!!!!

Coleen said...

simply amazing!!!!
Heart Hugs,

Griselda said...

Thanks Nancy and Coleen, I can't take all the credit if not for Tricia, I would not have been able to create any of these.

~*~Patty S said...

just brilliant I Love art dolls too and have been getting in the Dia del Muertos mood ... so inspiring you are!
I see that we are drawn also to Leonard Cohen ... I have his "crack in everything" quote on my "About" page ...

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