Friday, September 24, 2010

Romancing the mountain

That would be a good title for this weekend...I have not painted yet one single stroke, but in my mind I am visualizing how it will feel, I think Monday or Tuesday is a good day to start.

These are two paintings I did of a mountain, they came from my imagination, one is a combination of Anasazi Ruins, the other is called Horse mountain (can you see two horse heads formed by the rocks?)


Anonymous said...

Beautiful works!!!

Sue said...

These are SO magically beautiful!


Griselda said...

Gracias Zondra y Sue...!

Tammie Lee said...

your paintings truly are wonderful. You are quite gifted with your arts!

Griselda said...

Thanks Tammie...That would have been a great title...this painting is no longer with me :(

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