Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Vintage Spirit Art Dolls
All of these were created years ago.
It is good to see how my little dolls have evolved.

I went looking for these old photos, because someone
asked me if I only make female images and it dawn on me that
I used to have stronger male faces, until people starting asking me
if I had softer female images...which is interesting because from my point of view the design of a Spirit Art Doll should convey the essence of Spirit, not male or female,
Spirit just IS


Coleen said...

love the male one with the mustache..reminds me of my Lar.....your work is so heartselt......

Heart Hugs,

Griselda said...

That is sweet...I feel honored.
Listen, I was not able to make it to the post office but tomorrow I will send your doll without delay.
Also, I forgot to take a photo if it...do you mind terribly to do so when the little spirit doll gets to you?
Thanks for your kind comments.

Laura said...

I think perhaps it is the viewers projections that create the illusion of your spirit dolls being male or female. Such a lovely collection you have made.

Griselda said...

Thanks Laura...it also might be the way I list them...I just call them, she this, she that...laughs.

I was going to comment the other day in your blog...which is so lovely...that I love your daughters name. Rosewillow, how lovely.

Griselda said...

Laura this other blog
it seems that the "follow" sign is not posted yet, or it was meant to be a quiet place?

SweetErGallery said...

These dolls are so thought provoking and inviting. They are dolls I'm drawn to and can't take my eyes off of them. It's almost as if I'm studying them or they bring me into a meditation phase. Love, love, love em.

Griselda said...

Thank you Mrs Art Doll Maker, it is sweet of you to say...
The interesting thing for me, that these are very old dolls and I find myself contemplating too as if I had not made them...other times, I wonder what inspired me to do such as these. We all have evolved.
Bright Blessings to your day.

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