Thursday, November 11, 2010

Soo...what is going on?

Well...lots and lots, and by tomorrow I will have finished my new dolls

By the way, the egg container has proven to be a wonderful space to mix colors and a tray where wet paint can dry, also if you sprinkle sand or micro beads, it is a great surface where to catch it all so you can use the left over product.


Victoria said...

Fabulous..cannot wait to see more!

Griselda said...

Thanks Victoria, they are all in my new post.

Maggie R said...

Your dolls are so inspiring.
You are one of a kind Griselda... I love you and your work.
I have some of your faces and have yet to use them!! Better get to it! LOL

Griselda said... better, I want to see what you come up with...!!
In case you want to start a collection, I am about to list more cabs...let me know.

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