Friday, November 12, 2010

I just finished a series of Kitchen Witches/Goddesses supported by a whisk.
 According to old traditions and folklore, a kitchen witch is a helper who keeps the kitchen cozy, making it a comfortable place to work in.

 A good witch who performs its magic by helping with recipes and a creative spirit who inspires the imagination to make cakes and pastries that rise to perfection in a kitchen where beans and rice never burn, pots won't boil over and milk will not sour.

I like to think of my little Kitchen Witches as good company and send them to you with the kind of energy that will lift your spirit.

So make a cup of tea and ask yourself, do I need some magic in my kitchen?

If so, you know the answer, email me for details on how to bring one of these little witches home.

Bright Blessings to your weekend.


Draffin Bears said...

Hi Griselda,

Your two new dolls are lovely and you must be really pleased with them.

Happy weekend

Griselda said...

Hello Carolyn, I actually finished 7...and I am ready to call it quits for now until I take care of other things, they kept me busy for 3 weeks :) Thanks for your kind comments. I hope your weekend is wonderful and very creative too. Gris

TheBlakkDuchess said...

These wonderful ladies are my very favorite dolls you've made so far. I am in love!

The first doll is just glorious...

I am wondering if you would mind if I took your whisk idea & created my own doll around it, not to sell, but for my own kitchen?

All seven are amazing! I hope they make their way to good homes soon. *hugs*


Griselda said...

Please do...I would love to see what you come up with and thanks for your kind comments and constant support.

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