Sunday, November 28, 2010

Today someone asked me why do I make art dolls, forgive for posting this again, some of you might havbe already read it before.

It is never easy to explain or give folks a reason why I make these dolls...I know they are not "pretty or cute", they are in fact, plain and simple a pure expression of my own inner quest for transformation and creativity. The most important thing is that they have been the main reason I have overcome panic attacks, this is for me a form of moving meditation... perhaps we create to heal old memories....who knows, I can only share what I have experienced and encourage others to do the same.

I take great pleasure in making dolls because people report feeling a kind of healing energy when they receive them, if you could only read email after email and the feedback I get from those who collect them you would be amazed.

I love tribal art and have been doing research on old traditions from many parts of the world where small images were made and used as "power tools" often found in burial sites. I believe that the creative spirit that moves within each and everyone of us, shapes our lives with inspiration and brings forth images that come awake and alive in one form or another through art. It is amazing that some of these figurines, soulmaking dolls have lasted this long as silent sentinels in time. I don't pretend to know much about ancient traditions, but they resonate with my heart and I allow spirit to guide me, making dolls makes me feel good, as simple as that... and when people ask me why do I make art answer is always the same...because they keep me sane and fill my soul with gratitude and peace!

I am sure my dolls serve mainly as decoration to some of my buyers and collectors, but for others they are symbolic of magic and good will, they are great helpers, little massangers of healing an image of an angel by your front door or besides your bed. I like to believe each one of my little dolls finds its own way to your hands charged with good energy and full of creativity, they may serve as a focal point for meditation, a mandala or a feng shui remedy, my intention is to share with others a little miracle which is still working its magic on me.

What do I call them, people ask...they are Totem Fetishes, Numen Spirits or Fantasy Art Dolls, they are my interpretation of Manitou, they are Nature Spirits, that is what I call my little dolls a little mystery that keeps on giving me joy.


Dianne said...

Well said Griselda... I have 4 of your dolls and they all have their own spirits and personalities... and yes they have healing, calming energies... Keep making them!

carol l mckenna said...

It obvious that you love doing this and I agree the dolls have their own energy and the one I bought from you is still in my home altar space ~ haven't made any dolls lately, myself ~ busy with painting ~ come by and visit have you on my blog as Blogs of Interest ~ Come Share the Creative Journey at

hugs and namaste,

cz :)

Griselda said...

Hello Carol, I will come for a visit...and also need to start painting, because I have promised myself to do it and keep on setting it aside. Once I have all my brushes ready and paint mixed, something calls me away...sighs*

Juli@Korotaeva said...

Beautiful dolls and good words. What I actually think about artists - you don't choose the way, the way chooses you. And you create something because you just can't "not to create". Something inside you or up above makes you to express your feelings and create.

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