Friday, December 03, 2010

I admire those people who create beaded dolls because they take quite a bit of time and concentration and I don't have that kind of time as for concentration...I just move too fast from one project to the other... but I still love the feeling of holding a small doll to decorate while I travel and the smaller dolls can make good companions so I decided to minimize the work and create some tree ornies and comfort dolls to give away.

My romance with these type of dolls started a couple of  years ago when I purchased a dozen forms from my dear friend Monica Magness before I went on a cruise and an other door was opened for me in my quest creating an art doll. (Are you thinking me crazy for working on my dolls during my vacation...:)

I need to thank Monica for making it possible for me to have fun with these lovely forms, she is always an inspiration to me.
Save yourself the trouble of making a form, Monica's are not only colorful, they are firm and finished to perfection.

These are some of the dolls I made with her forms:


Netty said...

Fabulous dolls. Annette x

Maggie R said...

Love these dolls..... So interestng.
Thanks for sharing

Griselda said...

Thanks, but quite frankly Monica did all the hard work :) It was like playing dollies for me/

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